
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weekly Update, Wednesday, October 19, 2010

Upcoming Events

Oct. 27th-30th Annual Seabury Book Fair
Monday, October 25th, School Picture "retakes"
All school Halloween Costume Parade
Wed. October 27th, 2:00 pm
No School~ Thurs.October 28th-Friday Oct.29th
        Parent Teacher Conferences


EARLY DISMISSAL~NOON~ Wednesday, Nov. 24th
No School~Thursday,November 11th~ Veterans Day
No School~Thursday,Nov. 25th and Friday, Nov.26th
~Thanksgiving Break~

Here's What's Going On In
Beacons' World

Language Arts: Both  Charlotte's Web and Mr. Popper's Penguins reading groups are hard at work completing their respective chapters and their vocabulary questions. Both groups have completed chapter 12 and are currently writing their summaries. We are very proud of the progress both groups have made.In addition, Beacons are enjoying reading chapter books during silent reading and will be creating a book report of their choice in the coming weeks.
Writer’s Workshop: All Beacons are progressing with their exciting animal newspaper articles. In their articles, students are required to label the essential newspaper article questions: who, what, when, where, why, and how. It is wonderful to see how much their writing skills are maturing and how thrilled they are as they learn more information about their animal!
Math: Both the Math Magicians and the Math Magicals did an excellent job on their chapter assessments. On Monday, Beacons began working on their respective new math chapters full of advanced addition and multiplication. Both groups flew through their first lesson!

Science: We are finishing our research and will begin our reports next week. The students will work on writing paragraphs on paper before transferring this information to their Powerpoint presentations.

Social Studies: Students are learning about the motivating factors for early migration and exploration. We will soon begin researching explorers. Along the lines of Social Studies, and as part of our integrated curriculum on "Connections", this week we left school to learn about our community and the positive impact a few can make for the betterment of others. Below is a brief bit of information regarding our fieldtrip and the photos of your Beacon experiencing it. Enjoy!

      Yesterday, Tuesday, October 19th, the Beacons and the Sharks had a fieldtrip to the Edgewood Community Food Bank. It was an enriching experience for both the students and the adults. Not only did the Beacons learn where the money they had collected for the Hunger Walk and the canned goods they had collected went; but they also learned the ins and outs of how a family of say 10 goes about getting enough food for the week. Students went around and saw how many packages of macaroni and cheese for instance they would need to put in their box or shopping cart to feed their family members for a week. It was heartwarming to see how empathetic and caring so many of our Seabury students were to the needs of the less fortunate. Then the students stocked a grocery item for the food bank. It was a wonderful, enriching and empowering event. Many thanks to Heide Calhoun who spearheaded this fieldtrip. Also, many thanks to the directors of the foodbank who took time from their busy day to help share their mission with us. 


~ Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~
~Margaret Mead 

Looking forward to another exciting week with your Beacon,

   Betsy and Tiffany