
Monday, October 11, 2010

Week in Review October 12, 2010

Upcoming Events

No School~ This Thursday and Friday, Oct. 13th and 14th

Field Trip~ Tuesday, Oct. 19th,
Edgewood Food Bank

October 27th-30th Annual Seabury Scholastic Book Fair

Wednesday, October 27th
Annual All School Halloween Costume Parade
(around 2:00ish. More to follow in next week's 
Friday Folder)

No School~  Thursday, Oct. 28th and Fri. Oct. 29th
Parent-Teacher Conferences

Here's What's Happening in
the Beacons' World:
Reading:Beacons in both the Charlotte's Web reading group and the Mr. Popper's Penguins groups did an excellent job of cooperative small group learning by using their dictionary skills to complete the tough vocabulary lists. The Charlotte's Web group completed chapter 7 and the
Mr. Popper's Penguin group has completed chapter 9. They are all doing an excellent job of answering the critical thinking questions and especially writing their chapter summaries!
Writing: All Beacons are now on their exciting newspaper article of discovering a strange, new animal! Their imaginations are running wild and their writing is improving to convey their vision of what the animal looks like and the environment in which it lives. Be sure to ask your Beacon the essential questions (Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?) about their newspaper story.  Stay tuned for more breaking news on your Beacon's amazing animal discovery!
Math: Our two excelerated math groups are finishing up their respective chapters with an assessment today.  They are off to new and intersting concepts starting next week.  Be sure to ask your Beacon what the new topic of study will be.
Spelling:Last Friday, each Beacon did an amazing job on their spelling test. These were tough words and they really did an "A for effort" work. Since this week is such a short week, we are having the spelling test today, on Wednesday with only a few contractions. In reviewing the Beacon's respective writing logs it seemed pretty evident that they all needed additional help with these words. We will complete the contraction list on next Friday's spelling test.
Science:All Beacons are researching an animal for a research paper and PowerPoint. If you haven't asked your Beacon which animal he/she is researching in Science, please take a minute to do so because it really is quite remarkable how much information each Beacon has gleaned.  The important categories students are researching include characteristics and basic facts, habitat, diet, behavior, interesting facts, and resources. 
Social Studies: All Beacons have now taken home their edible globes. You'll have to let us know of which continent you took your first slice. Yummy! A parent told me that she doesn't even like cantaloupe; but she was going to make an exception because her Beacon wanted her to taste Africa! Now that we are sure where the continents are and the great bodies of water, we're off to exploring explorers next week! We'll soon be writing about our discoveries.

“Words are the voice of the heart”- Confucius

Looking forward to another exciting week with your Beacon,

Betsy and Tiffany