
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week of May 25th

The students all did a great job at the music performance last night.  We have very creative students here! 

There are a few upcoming events I would like to emphasize. 

Grandparents and Special Friends Day is this Thursday from 1:30-3:00.  We will have an art show and other activities for the event. 

There will be no school on Friday, May 27th and Monday, May 30th.  Enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, June 3rd is Beach Day!  We will be going to Dash Point State Park all day.  Students should be prepared for all kinds of weather.  Please make sure they have on sunscreen before coming to school that day.  They will be able to wade in the water, so appropriate clothes AND shoes are necessary.  Please send your student will an extra set of clothes and shoes, a towel, and a snack.  The PBC will be providing a sub sandwich for the students for lunch.  Parents are needed for the trip.  You can follow the bus or meet us there.  Please let me know if you are available to go. 

Monday, June 6th is our Publisher's Picnic.  The students have worked hard this year in writing, so we are showing it off on this day.  Please bring a lunch for you and your student and a blanket to sit on.  We will sit outside (hopefully) and allow the students to share all of their hard work with you.  Lunch will begin at 12:30.  The students will be going to recess at 12:00 if you would like to join them early for this.  

Thursday, June 9th is our Field Day.  We believe we will be taking the children to the Norpoint Center's new play ground and water park.  I have some parent volunteers for the event, but if you would also like to help, please let me know.  We will have more details about the day soon. 

Friday, June 10th is our last day of school.  For our party, we will have a kids vs parents match of Jeopardy.  This will take place at 11:15.  We hope you can join us for this fun event! 

The students have been working hard and have had a great week.  Check out these pictures of the last few days with our Artist in Residence, Joanie Joachim, who did lots of great projects with us.  These will be in our art show and will be coming home in the next week or two.