Welcome back from Spring Break! The kids all returned enthused and rested for the last 9 weeks of school.
In language arts, the children are finishing up their second trimester books this week. They are having to connect some pieces all throughout the book. We have discussed foreshadowing, so the children are now thinking of at least 2 instances of foreshadowing in their book. It has been quite impressive to see the kids thinking hard about this.
In math, we have begun a chapter on fractions. We will explore fractions of a whole, fractions of a set, and equivalent fractions over the next week. The children have made fraction sticks to help understand these concepts and we will be playing some fraction games in the next week.
In writing, we are finishing up our hard backed books. The students have all finished typing their stories, and are now illustrating and putting them together. We will be working on the covers, including the summary, author information and comments in the next week. Since April is National Poetry month, we will be writing a variety of poems this month.
In science we are finishing up the human body and beginning the study of ecosystems. There are many fun and interesting topics on the agenda for ecosystems, including the recreation of different biomes. More details to come about this!
Social Studies has us looking at Washington State. We will do lots of exploring of the geography, history and current economy throughout our study. The students will be writing and creating a Washington version of Jepoardy on the computer. They are very excited about researching this and making the game.
Have a wonderful week!