Upcoming Events:
May 12th - Field Trip to Washington State History Museum
May 13th - Pajama Day and pancake snack
The Beacons have had a great week. Here are some of the highlights!
We had a great Earth Day. The students wore their hats and walked around the neighborhood picking up trash.
Those are some fabulous looking newspaper hats!
The students began reading A Horse's Tale. This fabulous book looks back through 100 years of Washington state history and geography. We visited Ritzville, WA in the 1890s this week. The kids compared the 1890s with 2011, creating a Venn diagram to illustrate the similarities and differences. We will travel to many other places and times in the week to come.
In Writers' Workshop, our poetry unit continues for National Poetry month. The children have written haikus, tankas, free verse, and cinquains this week. The expectation is that students will complete a poem each day. Once they finish, they can write another poem of their choice. We have some very prolific writers of poetry!
In math, the students are moving into decimals. They are looking at the place value after a decimal point, converting fractions and decimals, and applying this work to money. The kids are very excited about decimals, and are making some good connections with the place value.
In Science, we have been hard at work on ecosystems. On one of our sunny days, we went outside and dug in the dirt to see what lives in the ecosystem in our garden. There were many kids who were excited about the words and other insects they found. We also saw roots of plants and discussed why each of these things was important to that ecosystem. We also created terrariums with a partner. We began with 2 inches of soil, added 3 inches of water, then added a plant to the jar. We have begun dropping seeds into the jar. The students are making observations every few days about the water level, what happens to the seeds, and how the plant is growing. The goal is to watch as the water level drops, what happens to the seeds and plants. Hopefully we will see how this ecosystem needs certain things to survive and what those are.
In Social Studies, the students are learning about the history of Washington state. We read some information, worked on highlighting properly the important facts, and are now answering questions about what we read. Soon the students will be gathering facts and writing questions for our Jeopardy game.
Only 6 weeks left of school!