
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Week in Review March 23, 2011

Friday, March 25th, 2011
Living History Museum Day in Colonial America!
1:20-2:40 in the multi-purpose room
Saturday, March 26th
See you there!
April 2nd-April 10th
Spring Break!
Classes resume at 8:10 am on
Monday,April 11th
In Language Arts, students continue with their reading groups. They are working on their Bloom's taxonomy higher learning skills of synthesizing by writing their chapter summaries and answering questions concerning character motivation. We have also started our weekly Wordly Wise packets which they work on during Language Arts and spelling.

In Math, all students are half way through Chapter 9!  We are learning about area and perimeter. Tuesday, we went outside to measure the perimeter of the playground. We live for those sunny days!

We are working in Writer's Workshop in the computer lab each day. Everyone is on the "publishing" portion of their amazing story. Just wait until you read it! Your Beacon's story will blow your socks off. Students are learning how to change the font and font size (no more than 24), and put in page breaks where they want to add a picture. Students are also deciding if they want the words to be on the top of the page or bottom and make those adjustments. We are including a title page, copyright page, and dedication page.

In Science we are finishing up the bones and organs on our black clothes or paper!They look amazing!

Social Studies has focused on our culminating event of this Friday's Living History Museum Day on Colonial America. Please come to experience your Beacon's hard work, on display in the multipurpose room from 1:15-2:40. It will be an interactive experience! One student will be playing Yankee Doodle Dandy on the piano and singing all the verses as well. You will not want to miss this!