Upcoming Events:
February 14 - Valentine's Day. Please see below.
February 16 - 100th Day of School! See below!
February 16 - Linda Silverman, Director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver, Colorado Presentation
No School on February 17-21 for Teacher Inservice and
Presidents' Day
Presidents' Day
March 10-11 - Teacher Conferences
March 18 - Parent Coffee with Sandi, 7:30 am
March 26 - Seabury Auction!
We will have a Valentine's Day celebration on Monday, February 14th at 2:15. We will have a snack and do a craft. Please email our room parent if you can help. Please have your child bring valentines for EVERY person in the class. We will have boxes or bags for the kids to use to store these valentines.
On Wednesday, February 16th we will celebrate the 100th day of school! It will be pajama day for the kids and we will make pancakes for snack that day. We want the kids to bring in a collection of 100 items to share with the class.
In Language Arts, we have been working on plural nouns and apostrophes. Many students confuse the use of apostrophes with plurals, so we have been working on changing these misconceptions. These are things you can reinforce at home when students are writing sentences or stories for homework. The students are also continuing in their novels. Be sure to ask your child what is happening in their book.
We have finished and tested the chapters in math. The Math Magicians are moving on to division, while the Math Magicals are beginning basic algebra concepts. Division is a hard concept for many of the students. They can draw a picture or use multiplication to solve division facts. These are good problems to practice when driving in the car.
Writers' Workshop continues with our action stories for the hard backed books. Many of the students have finished writing their stories and are peer conferencing, editing, or teacher conferencing. We will be publishing these books on the computer in the next few weeks and will have a publisher's picnic once we get them finished.
The Beacons are on their way with the science fair projects. They all have great ideas for their projects. We began our science fair journals this week. Now students should be completing multiple trials of their experiment at home. They should complete these trials in the next 2 weeks, writing about what they do and the results in their journal. Students should be finished with their data collecting and experiments by February 22nd, when they also need to bring in their trifold boards. We will begin the boards on February 22nd at school.
The students will also be starting their human body project on Monday. We discussed how to use the fabric markers and the kids brainstormed how to draw their bones. Be sure to ask about them next week!
In Social Studies, students have been rewriting the Mayflower Compact in their own words. They also are completing the creation of 3 dimensional maps of the voyage of the Mayflower. The maps even have floating ships!