Upcoming Events:
February 16 - Presentation Linda Silverman,
Director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver, Colorado
No School on February 17-21 for Teacher In-service and Presidents' Day
March 2nd-Read Across America and Crazy Hat Day!
March 10-11 - Teacher Conferences
March 18 - Parent Coffee with Sandi, 7:30 am
March 26 - Seabury Auction!
This has been a fun filled, busy week in the Beacon classroom! With Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School occurring within 2 days of each other, the classroom has been filled with LOTS of excitement in the air. The kids enjoyed giving and receiving valentines and especially working on our 100th day writing and math activites. You'll enjoy the following pictures of the Beacons' 100th day of school glasses, working on their bookreports and receiving a $100.00.
100th day of school Pajama Day!Yeah!!
I'm working on my book report!
If I had a hundred dollars, this is what I'd do.....