Upcoming Events:
January 24 - Field Trip to Pacific Science Center
February 17, 18, 21 - No School
Many of our Beacon friends have become very sick in the last week. We just want to let you know that we are encouraging hand washing at school and home. We hope everyone is feeling better soon.
In Language Arts, students have chosen and have begun reading their next novel. We talked about foreshadowing and how books will sometimes give hints about things that will be happening later in the book. Students are looking for foreshadowing as they read and will be asked to describe at least 2 times in their respective books that they found this.
In Math, we are beginning new chapters. The next chapters work on harder multiplication or harder division facts. Be sure to play games, work with flash cards, and quiz your Beacons about the multiplication facts. Fact automaticity is to math what sight words are to reading. We want all students to be successful with harder math concepts, and basic fact knowledge will help with those. If students don't remember certain facts, ask them about a strategy for solving. Also, if your student hasn't told you about the game Baseball Multiplication, be sure to ask!
Writing continues on the hard-backed books the students are writing. Many of the students have multiple pages of details and action. Some are working with peers to make their stories better and are editing their own work. We will have a big party once these books are finished!
In Science, students looked at features of the eye. They were able to see how the pupil changes based on the amount of light coming into their eyes. They were also amazed by the fact that pictures are upside down on our retinas and that the brain is once again an amazing part of our bodies! Next up is the ear and skin.
In Social Studies, students are writing newspaper articles about the Colonial Times and the Lost Colony of Roanoke. They are also learning fun facts about the first settlements. Be sure to ask your Beacon about this at the end of the week!
Have a wonderful week!