
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Week of January 27, 2011

Upcoming Events
Annual Seabury Update-Thursday, January 27 at 7 pm in the MPR
Middle School Showcase-Friday, January 28 at 6:30 pm at the MS
February 17-21 No School

We had a fabulous and fun field trip to the Pacific Science Center this week.  Students explored how the human body works by doing scent, strength,sight, reaction time, fitness, flexibility tests and much more.  Check out these pictures! 
 Check out the brains.  I remember that this is where this sense can be found from our brain hats!
 How many calories am I burning?
 Will this spinning wheel change my center of gravity?
I have a very slow reaction time!
 These pulleys make our muscles work!
 We are very excited about seeing the IMAX about beavers.  Did you know that beavers can chew down 400 trees a year?

This butterfly landed on me!

We are working hard in all subject areas in the Beacon classroom.  The kids are reading like crazy, enjoying their new books, writing their hard-backed books, working on multiplication and division facts, learning about the senses and the body, making maps for Roanoke and Jamestown and much more!  Be sure to ask your Beacon how to play the games Multiplication Baseball and Multiplication Top-It. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week in Review- January 19, 2011

Upcoming Events:
January 24 - Field Trip to Pacific Science Center
February 17, 18, 21 - No School

Many of our Beacon friends have become very sick in the last week.  We just want to let you know that we are encouraging hand washing at school and home.  We hope everyone is feeling better soon.

In Language Arts, students have chosen and have begun reading their next novel.  We talked about foreshadowing and how books will sometimes give hints about things that will be happening later in the book.  Students are looking for foreshadowing as they read and will be asked to describe at least 2 times in their respective books that they found this. 

In Math, we are beginning new chapters.  The next chapters work on harder multiplication or harder division facts.  Be sure to play games, work with flash cards, and quiz your Beacons about the multiplication facts.  Fact automaticity is to math what sight words are to reading.  We want all students to be successful with harder math concepts, and basic fact knowledge will help with those.  If students don't remember certain facts, ask them about a strategy for solving.  Also, if your student hasn't told you about the game Baseball Multiplication, be sure to ask!

Writing continues on the hard-backed books the students are writing.  Many of the students have multiple pages of details and action.  Some are working with peers to make their stories better and are editing their own work.  We will have a big party once these books are finished!

In Science, students looked at features of the eye.  They were able to see how the pupil changes based on the amount of light coming into their eyes.  They were also amazed by the fact that pictures are upside down on our retinas and that the brain is once again an amazing part of our bodies!  Next up is the ear and skin. 

In Social Studies, students are writing newspaper articles about the Colonial Times and the Lost Colony of Roanoke.  They are also learning fun facts about the first settlements.  Be sure to ask your Beacon about this at the end of the week!

Have a wonderful week!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week in Review - January 13, 2011

The Beacons have been hard at work this second week back in school!

In Language Arts, the students have been reading about Martin Luther King, Jr.  We have had some really good discussions about what he stood for and how things have changed since his death.  We also read his I Had  a Dream speech to the students.  The students will begin reading new novels next week.  They can choose from 3 titles, The Cabin Faced West, A Lion to Guard Us, and Sees Behind Trees.  The first 2 of these books are stories about life for children in the Colonial Times.  The last book is about a Native American boy who has very poor eyesight and must rely on his other senses to live.  The students will once again be working on vocabulary building, writing summaries, and answering comprehension questions.

The Beacons have been working hard in math.  The Math Magicians group is learning the basics of multiplication and some tricks for solving basic facts.  The Math Magicals group is delving into division, with an emphasis on how it relates to multiplication.  We are finishing up the chapters this week and will be testing next week.  Look for a study guide to come home on Tuesday.

The new year has brought us to a huge project in Writers' Workshop.  Students worked for a few days last week on how to create a picture in the reader's mind using words.  They are now applying this idea to writing stories that we will turn into hard backed books.  We have lots of great story ideas out there, so be sure to ask your Beacon about his or her story. 

In Science, we have begun our new theme of the human body.  We brainstormed what we knew and what we were hoping to learn.  We are currently working our way through the senses and how they work.  The students have made a brain hat that shows what part of the brain is responsible for each sense.  Favorite quote about the brain hat..."I know why I am having trouble thinking of something to write.  My brain is on the outside of my skull, instead of the inside!"  We used our sense of smell to try to differentiate between different aromas and discussed how amazing the nerves in the nose are, telling our brains what we think of a smell.  Cayenne pepper was the best one, everyone's brain told them to stay away from it!  We also conducted an experiement to see how the taste buds on the tongue work.  We predicted what would happen if we put different foods on different parts of our tongues.  We certainly have a few kids who can taste sweet in anything!  More fun experiements and models to come in the next few months!

In Social Studies, the students are learning about life in Colonial Times.  They read about the lost colony at Roanoke, discussing what could have happened to the settlers there.  They are creating a book of information about these times and will be creating 3-D maps soon to show what life was like in Roanoke and Jamestown. 

As always, we love having your Beacons in our classroom.  Here's to another great week!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week in Review January 5th,2011

                                        Welcome to 2011!
     Your Beacon returned to school on Monday, January 3, 2011 ready and raring to work. On this posting, I thought it would be great fun for you to see your Beacon hard at work on creating the Living History Museum Day's tri folds. Their presentations reflected their diligent work. They not only had their tri folds to present, but their explorer's shoulder to head "bust" made out of a pliable material which hardens similar to clay called Model Magic and their laminated Explorer trading cards! As if that isn't enough, the Beacons did an amazing job on their Science animal power points in Mrs. Price's science class.  Both Mrs. Price and I are so proud of your Beacon! We know 2011 will be filled with even  more productive and exciting experiences in learning!
                                 We are all hard at work researching our explorers and
                                  creating our tri folds for our Living History Museum Day!

                                                 I'm ALMOST done!!

                              Alexander the Great's tri-fold is done and it sure looks great!  

                                                               The Birthday Boy!
                                                        Here's what I like about YOU!!!
                                       Alexander the Great and company!

                               Alexander the Great's Family and Special Friend above
                                                 Neil Armstrong below
                                                      Neil Armstrong above and
                                                     Hernando Cortez below
                                              Hernando Cortez above
                                             and John Cabot below
                                                          John Cabot above
                                                         and Leif Ericson below
                                                     Leif Ericson  above and
                                                    Marco Polo below

                                                    Marco Polo above
                                              and Captain James Cook below

                     Captain James Cook above with his ExplorerTrading Cards
                                         and Ferdinand Magellan below
                                                   Ferdinand  Magellan above
                                                  and Henry Hudson below
                                                      Henry Hudson above
                                              and  Sir Francis Drake below                                

                                                              Marco Polo above
                                                       and John Cabot below
                                                               John Cabot above 
                                                         and Leif Ericson below
                                                                 Leif Ericson above
                                                          and Amerigo Vespucci below

                                                           Amerigo Vespucci above and
                                                           Leif Ericson below
                                                     Leif Ericson above and
                                                    Neil Armstrong and Family below
                                            Neil Armstrong and Family above and
                                                        Hernando Cortez below
                                                       Hernando Cortez above and
                                                       Neil Armstrong and his full family

                                                         Captain Cook above
                                            and below an important member of Captain Cook's crew
                                                   Captain Cook and 1st mate above and
                                                Christopher Columbus and first mate below

Christopher Columbus and mom above
Marco Polo and his folks below

                                                   Marco Polo and his parents above and
                                                   Christopher Columbus and family below
                                 Christopher Columbus and members of the crew above
                        and Sir Francis Drake and important crew  member below
                                         Sir Francis Drake above and
                                       Amerigo Vespucci and crew below

                                        Amerigo Vespucci and mom above
                                            and our fearless leader Mrs. Wollum below
                        viewing Neil Armstrong's animal research PowerPoint on the Orca whale.

What a wonderful educational experience!
Thank you Beacons for all of your hard work.