
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week in Review December 8, 2010

          Happy Holidays!
Upcoming Events:

Cancelled! No Winter Program tomorrow
Thursday evening, Dec. 9th
New date to be announced soon

Friday December 17th
1/2 day of school
School dismissed at NOON
NO Extended Care

Friday, December 17th
The Beacons Present:
Living History Museum Day
Science Power points and 3-D animals
It is an Open House format so drop in any time!

School Resumes Monday, January 3rd, 2011
Happy New Year!

                                                               Yummy! I love Seabury!

                                                         Good Friends, Good Times!
                                                           Mmmm, I LOVE math!
Hey, Look what I just wrote, a MANUscript! That's one of
this week's spelling words. "Manu" means "hand" and
"script" means "write". Get it?

                                                 I'm working my hardest to do my best!

Reading groups

The Browns Point Fire Department visited us for
a Fire Prevention Gathering Program
and I couldn't resist taking each
Beacon's "hot" photos!

                                                           Deep in thought, writing away
                                                            Serious Peer Editing

                                                           Serious self-editing!

                                                                            We LOVE Seabury!!
                                              Putting the finishing touches on my writing before I go to publish it!
                                                        HEY LOOK MOM! I have a paper mache hand!
                                                    It's really the start of my cool 3-D animal!

What a trouper Ms. Cathy is...
lending a "hand" when she only has one to share!

This is going to be a great 3-D animal!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week in Review, Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 9th
Annual Seabury Winter Program
Urban Grace Church
7:00 p.m.
Friday, December 17th 
Social Studies Living History Museum Day
Science Powerpoint Presentation
 Friday, December 17th
Winter Break begins
NOON dismissal
NO extended care
Winter Break
Noon, Friday, December 17th
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year 2011!

Here's What's Happening
In the
Beacons' World

      Be sure to look in this week's Friday folder for a sealed envelop with your child's name on it. Inside it you will find your Beacon's first trimester report card. The rubric rating system on the report card is called the Evaluation Key. We thought we'd take a moment to help further explain it.
At the top of each report card there is an Evaluation Key which states the following:
                                    Evaluation Key:

4 = Consistently does this / exceeds developmental expectations

3 = Usually does this / meets developmental expectations

2 = Working to learn this / needs more time to acquire skills

1 = Area of Concern

N/A = Does not apply / not assessed at this time

     Please keep in mind that an evaluation of a "3" is not synonymous with a "B". All a "3" means is that the child "usually does this". By the same token a "2" does not equate to a "C". It means that your second grader is "working to learn this/ needs more time to acquire skills". If a student receives a "4", it merely means that the child "CONSISTENTLY" does it. We hope this will help you as you read your Beacon's report card.

     Next Tuesday, Dec. 7th, we will have our winter program rehearsal at the Urban Grace Auditorium. Please make sure your Beacon arrives at school on time at 8:10, for we will be taking the school bus down to Urban Grace promptly at 8:30. We will then rehearse and return to school before 11:00.
     The actual Winter Program Performance will be Thursday, Dec. 9th. Just in case you missed the e-mail from the music teacher, Jessica Blackwood, I've included it below.

                                          Date: Thursday, December 9th

                                          When: 6:30p students backstage,
                                                            7:00p performance begins

                                         Where: Urban Grace Auditorium,
                                            9th & Market Street

                                         What (to wear): Students are welcome to "dress up" as much as they choose, but keep in mind that most of the students will be sitting on the floor at some point (to play instruments). As I told the kids - we're not going to the prom, but we're not camping, either.

All families are invited (yes, the middle school families that don’t have students in the lower school are invited too!) Hope you can make it to enjoy the talents of the kids.

~~From Jessica Blackwood, Music Teacher

      On the morning of Friday, December 17th, the Beacons will give a presentation to parents and the school. You don't want to miss it!
      In Social Studies, we have been learning about the Explorers. Students are researching their explorer and are creating their presentation in class. On Friday, Dec. 17th, they will become the persona of the explorer and will wow you with their presentation!
     Science will also wow you that day for the Beacons  have worked hard in class on researching animals.They then created excellent reports on their computers. These PowerPoints are awesome and you will greatly enjoy them!
     If you are planning on starting your winter vacation early prior to December 17th, please let us know.
Here's to another great week with your Beacon!
Betsy and Tiffany

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Week in Review, Nov. 23rd


A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue,
 but the parent of all the other virtues. ~Cicero
       With the recent 48 hour heavy snowfall, the hazardous icy streets, and the 35 mile per hour howling winds, we have all received an unexpected, extra long Thanksgiving Break. Please drive safely, bundle up and stay warm! 

      As Thursday is fast approaching, we'd like to take this opportunity to tell you how very grateful and thankful we are to have the privilege of teaching your child this year. Thank you for sharing your amazing Beacon with us each school day. See you back in the classroom on Monday, November 29th. 
 Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

We're looking forward to another exciting week with your Beacon!
Betsy and Tiffany

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Weekly Update November 17th, 2010

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, Novemeber 23rd
Early Dismissal NOON
No Extended Care
No School November 24th and 25th

Thursday, December 9th
Winter Performance
Urban Grace Church

Friday, December 17th
Early Dismissal NOON
No Extended Care
Winter Break


      In Reading, both groups are working hard on their higher level thinking skills of writing chapter summaries. Synthesizing information is a challenging portion of our reading curriculum.
Below you will see your Beacon hard at work reading the chapter in small groups and then rereading and finding the answer to the critical thinking chapter questions.

As a part of Seabury's Service Club's winter activity, all Beacons made holiday cards for members of Toby Jones Senior Center. These handmade cards were beautiful and each Beacon made it with a lot of love.

               I'm a Beacon alumnus. Now my brother is a Beacon and next year  my sister will be too!

We LOVE learning new math strategies by playing our Math Games! Here's a tough one that makes us really think hard. We work cooperatively in groups of twos and have to use our math skills to solve the problems.

                                                  Hey, I won! I love math! 

                                        Look at all my hard work! I love math!

                                                   Bailey the Wonderdog
visited our classroom on Wednesday and the Beacons loved how sweet and affectionate she was. Bailey loves to read and students spent their silent reading time reading with Bailey!

                                                       Hey Beacons.
                  I love that book! That's my favorite part!

I did such a good job reading to Bailey that I put her to sleep!